Solidarity Care Coordination

The main goal of Care Coordination is to meet Members’ needs and preferences when delivering high-quality, high-value health care. Our Care Coordinators can assist Members in finding excellent, healthcare-sharing-friendly Providers, or walk you through the Pre-Notification process, and much more.

Specialized Care Coordination at Solidarity

When it comes to Care Coordination in healthcare sharing, Solidarity has significant differentiators from other sharing organizations. Here are a few Care Coordination benefits included with your Solidarity Membership.

Maternity Care

We love when our community grows! One of our favorite ways our community grows is when Members find out they’re expecting a new baby. We know that care during pregnancy can be a concern for Members. To help expecting Members from pregnancy through childbirth, Solidarity created a dedicated department that supports your maternity healthcare needs. From the pre-notification process and working with Providers on billing to adding a new baby to your Membership, our staff is available for support and to answer questions  so that mothers and families can focus on the most important thing:  their new little one.  

Pastoral Care

Medical emergencies. Life-threatening illness. Cancer diagnosis. These healthcare events can feel scary and overwhelming. As a faith-centered healthcare sharing community, Solidarity believes in the power of community and prayer. To support you in troubling times, Solidarity has a dedicated Pastoral Care Team available to pray with you, connect you to a local church, or even set up a meal delivery plan while you or your loved one is in recovery. To reach our Pastoral Care Team, you can contact them on the ShareStream in the Member Care Portal, call, or email at

AMPS Partnership and Services

AMPS (Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions) is our partner in cost containment. As an industry leader, they bring tremendous value to our Members through Medical Need repricing, Care Coordination, and Balance Bill assistance. While these have always been a part of Solidarity, with AMPS’ extensive database of healthshare-friendly Providers, we hope to see even more bill savings, a better Provider/Facility experience for our Members, and a decrease in the number and size of balance bills. Note: The best part? These cost savings directly impact the overall sharing power of the community. More cost savings means more opportunity for the Solidarity community to share into each others’ medical needs.

Preferred Providers

Where traditional health insurance restricts its customers to a “network” of their choosing, Solidarity encourages our Members to choose their Providers. No more checking to see if your favorite doctor is “in-network.” At Solidarity HealthShare, there is no “network;” You can see any healthcare Provider you want to see (including naturopathic and alternative medicine practitioners). Just remember to check the Sharing Guidelines for eligible services. Note: If your Provider is unfamiliar with Solidarity, we are happy to establish a working relationship with them on your behalf. These Providers join our Preferred Provider list allowing us to work directly with them on establishing billing rates, payment methods, and so on. Simply fill out the Preferred Provider form linked below and follow the submission instructions. 

Nominate your Provider(s) today:

If you have any questions regarding any of the above Care Coordination services, please reach out to us on the ShareStream in the Member Care Portal or contact us at 844-313-4999.